



Whether in the sanctuary or our living rooms, we are a community that worships God together. Join us as we gather creatively for worship in-person and on YouTube Live. @adventlutheranchurch589


View Bulletin

Learn More about Lent 2025

Join Worship In-Person

We gather for worship in-person at Advent on Broadway & 93rd Street at 11AM. While we live-stream from the sanctuary, our online worship community gathers from all over and joins through our YouTube page. Come join us! (Get directions)


2504 Broadway, New York, NY 10025

 What to expect

What’s worship at Advent like?


We are a community that worships God together.

All are welcome.

What’s in-person worship at Advent like? All are welcome to pick-up a bulletin from our greeters as they enter into the space. These bulletins have the order of worship on it and details that might be helpful for first-time worshippers and returners alike! We have communion every week and there are gluten free wafers available-just make sure to let the pastor know when you go up to receive it! After the sermon message, there is often a reflection question! During this time, people are invited to discuss the reflection question with those around them, or if you aren’t comfortable with that-that’s ok! Feel free to sit silently and ponder the question in your heart & mind.

What’s online worship at Advent like? Our livestream is live, so anything that happens in the sanctuary will be shared with everyone online! Our earnest priority and hope is that you experience God’s love, can engage actively and meaningfully in worship, feel like part of our community, and leave transformed in some way. We have communion every week and people in the sanctuary AND at home are welcome to participate. So feel free to have your communion elements ready for when the time comes during worship! Since we have quite a few online worshippers every week, feel free to let us know you are joining us and even engage with people in the comments if you want! We are a community and that includes you!

How long is worship? Around 1 hour

Will I be welcome? Yes. Whatever your identity, your story, your experience with religion, we you are wholeheartedly welcome to worship with us. When we say all are welcome here, we mean it. Read our welcome statement.

How do I participate online? We encourage active participation in online worship in whatever ways you feel comfortable. There are opportunities to write in the comments, sing with us, reflect on the message, and more.

A quick look at engaging in worship at Advent


Getting Ready

Around 5 minutes before worship (10:55 AM), we start the livestream with an online greeter. Those in the sanctuary will be taking their seats and listening to the prelude, while those online will be welcomed by the online greeter. If you are joining online, everything in the bulletin will be on the screen, but you can also open our bulletin and follow along if you would like! From this page, you can click “Join Now” to go directly to worship on YouTube Live (@adventlutheranchurch589).



From the moment you pass by our space, whether that is on the corner of 93rd & Broadway, or our AdventNYC social media pages, we want you know that you are welcome here. When worship is starting, Pastor Danielle will welcome everyone in the sanctuary and online.



Worship will include music, and there will always be a leader to follow, lyrics on screen, and if you like to have sheet music, that will be in your bulletin.



We invite different Advent members, Sunday school kids, and pastors to share the Bible readings for the week. Some people have joined us online to read, while others read live from inside the sanctuary.


Just for Kids

We invite kids to take part in all of worship. Every worship includes a Young Disciples message where we invite kids up the the front of the sanctuary (or closer to the screen!) to hear a Gospel message just for them.



Pastor Danielle, along with guest pastors, vicars, and seminarians, will preach a 10-15 minutes message on the Gospel of the day.



We believe Communion is a holy and cosmic event that transcends time and space, so it is just as real online. We have Communion every week together in the sanctuary, and for those of you who are joining from home - find some bread and juice at home to participate with us! Jesus is the host of this table, so all are welcome. Jesus made no exceptions, and neither do we. You are invited.



We lift up our prayers to our community and to God together. You are invited to lift up your prayers in the sanctuary or in the comment section. Our Prayer Team will keep these in prayer throughout the week.


Try joining us for worship this Sunday and experience it yourself.


how to join




11am in English

Join us in-person or you can worship with us on your phone, tablet, or computer.


Step 1: Open the bulletin

This is like your guide through worship. You can leave it open in another window, another device, or print it out.

Step 2: Join worship live

Use the“Join Now” buttons on our website and e-letter to go directly to worship.

Where can I find These?


Our Website

Go to adventnyc.org

You will find the buttons for “This Sunday’s Bulletin” and to “Join Now” right on our homepage.


Your Email

Get a weekly reminder

Get a pre-worship reflection, bulletin, and direct link to worship sent to you every Saturday.

On YouTube

Go to our YouTube page

You will find the worship livestream and bulletin on our You Tube page Sunday morning.


Don’t have You Tube? No internet access? You are welcome too.

Join without YouTube

The “Join Now” button will take you straight to our worship livestream. You do not need to have a YouTube account - though if you have a gmail account you automatically have a You Tube account.

Ways to

Deepen Your Experience Worshiping Online


When you’re experiencing worship through a screen, it can be really easy to tune out. We’ll let you in on a secret: worship is just as much about what’s happening in your apartment as what’s happening on screen. Worship includes your interaction with God and neighbor. Here are some ways to “lean in” and make worship online more meaningful.

1. Make your sanctuary space

Many of us are spending a lot of time in the same space these days. Consider designating worship time by lighting a candle, dimming the lights, or placing a cross (it can be homemade) or a Bible on the table. Something that's sacred to you that designates we are gathering for sacred worship.

2. Read Sunday’s Gospel

We share Sunday’s Gospel on our Facebook page and in our e-letter. Take a moment to read and reflect on Sunday’s Gospel on your own before worship.

3. Connect with People

Your presence is a gift to others. And connecting with other people can brighten your worship experience too. We really encourage you to engage in the comments.

  • Say good morning

  • Lift up a prayer request

  • Respond to someone else’s comment

  • Respond to the sermon with a thought or question

If some “face” time is what you need, have you tried joining Virtual Coffee Hour after worship yet?

4. Sing differently

Pay attention to how you sing during on online worship. Do you think about all the other voices rising with yours? Do you sing quietly? Loudly? Do you take advantage of being able to dance around the apartment in your PJs? Whatever you are doing is okay. But you can try new ways of singing too.


5. Pray differently

During the Prayers of the People, please type your prayers into the comments section. Commit to holding the prayer request of at least one other person throughout the week. Choose one person’s prayer request to pray for throughout the week. You can even respond to their comment to let them know you are praying for them.


6. Give generously

We know, this tip sounds convenient for us. But the truth is, giving generously is an act of faith that can be incredibly meaningful when done with gratitude and intention. Before the next offering comes up, think about what you can give to community and to God. It can be small. Maybe it’s an extra $5 donation to our food ministry. Maybe it’s offering your time to a church activity, your community, a neighbor, or your family. It’s the act of giving that matters.

7. Commune at home

Holy Communion is a cosmic event. There is a collapsing of time and space so that in that singular moment when you receive the body and the blood, you do so with every person who ever was, is and will be, in every time and place. So, the internet could hardly get in the way of that, or stand between God’s love and you.

During Communion, you are invited to lift up bread and wine/juice in your home, and to commune when the words are spoken. Pastor Danielle will guide us. Jesus is the host of this table. He made no exceptions, and neither do we. You are welcome.

If you haven’t done so yet, get some bread and wine (or juice) ready for this Sunday.