Grow in faith & connect with people in 6 weeks


Join us for our next cycle of Small Groups! Grow in faith, build relationships, and develop your discipleship alongside a supportive group of new and old friends. You are invited.

Upcoming cycle

Winter 2025

Sign Ups -Open January 19 Groups run Week of February 9 thru the Week of March 16


Care for Our Common Home

Mondays 7pm | Host: Jason Lillis | Zoom
This year marks the 10th anniversary of the publication of Laudato si', a letter written by Pope Francis to address the social and environmental crises of our world. As we approach this milestone of its release, we'll gather on Monday nights to talk about what it says to us on environmentalism, poverty, science, technology, and more.  We'll get together beginning Monday, February 10th, for prayer, reflection, conversation, and community.

Join us!

The Footsteps of Paul

Wednesdays 6:30pm | Host: Pastor Hayley Paulson-Moe & Nick Paulson-Moe | Hybrid

Pr. Hayley and Nick have just returned from a trip to Turkey and Greece, focused on the journey of the Apostle Paul. Learn more about this follower of Jesus and prolific letter writer who has had such an impact on Christian faith. What can we learn? What should we leave? And hear some funny stories along the way!

Who Is My Neighbor? | Refugees and Immigrants

Tuesdays 7pm | Host: Pastor Danielle & Pastor Alyssa | Hybrid

In a time when our migrants, refugees, immigrants are dehumanized and blamed, it is time for the church to ask the only question which matters: is she my neighbor?  This curriculum is part of the new initiative through Global Refuge and the ELCA to certify congregations as “Safe and Welcoming” for the migrant community, and to build coalitions of radical welcome.

Lectio Divina and the Psalms

10am Fridays | Host: Bethany Day | Zoom

Following an ancient Christian contemplative tradition, this small group will meditate and pray with the Psalms. Each week we will check in with each other, read and listen to a Psalm, share with each other what we heard from the Psalm, and end with a short time of prayer. In times of uncertainty and anxiety, this centering practice offers peace, patience, strength, and hope in community. 

Lutherans Who Lunch | Lamentations & Ezekiel

1pm Thursdays | Host: Pr. Danielle | Zoom

Gather on Thursdays at 1pm during your lunch break (via zoom) to explore the books of Lamentations & Ezekiel - visions, poetry, prophets - definitely a good time.  No previous experience necessary!  Deepen your faith, your knowledge and in community. 

Crafting and Community

Every other Friday Evening | Hosts: varies | In-person

In this chilly winter season it is easy to isolate - but what we learn from our northern neighbors with endless winters - the colder it is, the more important it is to be together!

So gather for community and crafting in a cozy environment every other Friday evening. No skill necessary.

Bonhoeffer Speaks to Our Times

Time & Date TBD By Group | Host: Pr. Will Kroeze and Professor Laura Thomas | Hybrid

This small group will explore the life and witness of 20th Century Lutheran pastor, theologian and martyr Dietriech Bonhoeffer. Through a study of selected writings, sermons, and letters; a screening of the film "BonhoefferL Pastor-Paifist-Nazi Resister"; and a reading of contemporary biographies, we'll explore how Bonhoeffer's lived experience as a Christian amid the rise of fascism in Germany (including his formative cross-cultural experiences here in NYC at Union Seminary and teaching Sunday School at Abyssinian Baptist Church in Harlem) led to his resistance of the Nazis and his ultimate execution at the hands of the state.  The group will meet in hybrid form on a weekday evening as agreed to by the group.

Translation Matters

Tuesdays 12noon | Emily Bayer | Zoom

Join us for a dynamic small group that delves into Sarah Ruden's groundbreaking translation of the Gospels. Together, we’ll explore key Gospel passages through fresh eyes, uncovering how the art of biblical translation shapes our understanding of these sacred texts.

Through discussion and reflection, we’ll examine why translation matters and how it can invigorate our faith and sense of purpose in today’s world. Whether you’re a seasoned Bible reader or new to these stories, this group promises rich conversations and fresh insights to deepen your connection to the Gospel message.