The GatheringNYC

2nd Wednesday every month, 7:30pm

What | The GatheringNYC - a musically-driven, reflective, love-rooted, community building, questioning, Gospel-centered gathering.

When | 2nd Wednesdays of the month @7:30pm (see schedule to the left)

Where | AdventNYC @ 2540 Broadway (93rd/Broadway) off the 1/2/3 lines

Theme | The Gospel of Resistance & Resilience

Who | You are invited. Just as you are and as you are becoming. Perfectly imperfect. Questioning. Wondering. Spiritual but not religious. Religious but seeking spirituality.

We gather with these assumptions…

  • The Gospel (i.e. Good News) is about liberation for all people.

  • Our existence is saturated by the Divine, in the mundane, the extraordinary and yes, even the places we least expect.

  • We are better together and that our agency, organizing and love is what the world needs.

  • Music can bring us to and through moments in ways that words can often fail.

  • Our worth is not found in what we do or do not do, but in God’s love for us and for creation.

  • Relationship is valued over institution, transformation over dogma, questions over answer.

We celebrate your identity as a child of God. We welcome people of all races, cultures, and colors; people of all sexual orientations and gender expressions and identities; people of all ages and abilities; people of every legal, economic, and marital status. All people whom the world seeks to separate, divide, or isolate — we seek to unite in community.  We are committed to striving for racial equity and justice.