Our Vision Retreat in Photos


Strategy Overview


Sundays. Small Groups. Community Center.

We’re going to bring our Mission & Vision to life by focusing and investing in 3 areas: Sundays, Small Groups, and Community Center.

First: We will invest in Sundays. Sundays are already the actual and theological center of our ministry. As people of God, we exist to praise God. We will build on our strengths already present on Sundays--investing time, space, money, and passion to be intentional about making our Mission & Vision thrive on Sundays.

Next: We will create a new Small Groups program to build deeper relationships and strengthen our faith. This can serve as a next step for new members. And it will connect, empower, and inspire ALL Advent members to live out our mission together.

Third: We will draw together all the ways we engage our surrounding community as one Community Center. Our foundation will be our existing hunger, immigration, and music & arts ministries. Guided by our Mission & Vision, we will be more faith-rooted and holistic in our approach to these ministries, structure volunteer opportunities more intentionally as faith formation, and incorporate authentic strategies for outreach and evangelism. This will also be our launching ground for engaging in faith-based social justice work, accompaniment, and advocacy in our community and with our community.

In all three areas, our Mission & Vision is the same: Our mission is to welcome all people to experience and live out God’s love. Following the example of Jesus, our strategy is to practice authentic community that builds an inclusive faith. Our vision is to be a church where the Holy Spirit transforms people’s faith, the community, and the world.

In the next 3-4 years, we will collectively focus on each step, Sundays, Small Groups, Community Center, one at a time — ensuring we make progress, approach each intentionally, equip and empower lay leaders, create sustainable systems, and use our resources wisely.

In 5-10 years, we envision these three ministry areas -- Sundays, Small Groups, and Community Center -- working together to make Advent a healthy, functioning church where our Mission & Vision is clear and thriving. An inclusive, life-giving, empowering, well-known place in the community that invites the whole community, all people -- local, citywide, and beyond -- to experience God’s love, practice authentic community, and be the voice, hands, and hope of the Holy Spirit’s transformation.


Retreat Stories

This ministry strategy came directly out of hearing people’s stories, Advent’s story, and God’s story last year. So our retreat was grounded in the theme of story.


Our Stories


Our visioning process was all about listening to everyone’s stories, and finding the intersections.

To begin the retreat, we asked people to share their stories, answering 3 questions on post-it notes: Who has taught you about God’s love at Advent? What are worried might be lost in the process of change? What is one of your favorite Advent stories?

Advent’s Story

Advent’s story is not a collection of separate essays. It’s a shared narrative.

In a video reflection, Sarah, a college student who grew up at Advent, reflects on what she learned hearing the stories of some of our oldest Advent members.

God’s Story

Our stories and Advent’s story are all part of a bigger story: God’s Story.

Throughout our retreat, the story of the Road to Emmaus reminded us that God is with us in uncertainty, and God is calling us to trust God’s promises and live the Gospel. Through this journey, we discover Christ in our neighbor, and rediscover the Good News that frees us.


Our Visioning Process


Our Vision Team co-chairs walked us through last year, our visioning process, and our strategic ministry & outreach planning so far. Over 100 Advent members contributed to our process last year. This recap ended with the whole gathering proclaiming our renewed Mission & Vision at Advent.

The Next Chapter


Finally, group of 10 Advent members, spread out around the room, performed a surprise dramatic reading. It began with quotes from last year’s Listening Groups, and ended with the exciting reveal of our strategic ministry plan: Sundays! Small Groups! Community Center!



Our Storybook

Retreat Slideshow

Vision Retreat Presentation.001.jpeg

Advent’s Story Video


“The Reveal” Skit Script


Small Group Guide


Guiding Principles Video


What’s Next?

Strategic Planning

Next, our Spatial and Financial Teams will develop spatial and financial plans to support the ministry strategy we shared at our Vision Retreat. They will explore all the options and possibilities, guided by our Mission & Vision. Save the date for an update from these teams at 1:30pm-3:30pm Sunday, March 22.

But first! We have our . . .

Annual Meeting

Join us for our annual congregational meeting at 12-1pm Sunday, February 2.

Among others, we'll vote on the 2020 Budget, new Council members, and whether to accept a $200,000 Immigration Welcome Center grant. Here's what we're voting on, and everything you need to know.

Our financial update meeting is Sunday, January 17 at 10am & 12pm. At this meeting you’ll have an opportunity to review and discuss our draft 2020 budget. It's followed by a prayer gathering at 10am & 12pm Sunday, January 26.