
In 9am, 11am, or 12:45pm worship





We believe your musical gifts are an offering of worship.


We invite you to share a song, dance, or other creative piece in worship as you feel called. We believe all forms of music, religious and secular, from classical to pop to showtunes, have the potential to enrich worship for everyone. We'll work with you to find a piece that resonates with you and will resonate with others.



You're invited to share your musical gifts.


The gift of all of our music ministry, is that it teaches us another language of prayer. It teaches us the language of God. It's an incredible way to say thank you, and to praise, celebrate, and talk to God with words that you might not be able to come up with on your own.

Meet the Leader


Frank is our Director of Music Ministries. You can read more about him on our staff page.