Our independent reading for July focuses on our faith foundations and methodology.

Nuestra lectura independiente para julio enfoque en nuestros fundamentos de fe y metodología.


How to Start: Start by watching the 4 videos in the Quick Start section. It takes only 10 minutes.

Going Deeper: As you have time, we encourage you to consider reading/exploring the materials in the Deep Dive section in July for a deeper understanding. Make one of these your “summer read.”


Cómo empezar: Por favor, vean los 4 videos en la sección Quick Start (Inicio rápido). Solo necesitan tomar unos 10 minutos.

Ir más profundo: A medida que tienen tiempo, por favor consideran leer y explorar los materiales en la sección de Deep Dive (Más Profundo) en julio para una comprensión más profunda. Podrían hacer de una de estas lecturas tu lectura de verano.

Quick Start / Inicio rápido

Time Needed: 10 minutes / Tiempo necesario: 10 minutos


In English

Faith Foundations

1. Lutheran Theology in 90 Seconds

2. We Are Church Together (90 sec)

To download, control-click or right-click on link and choose Save Link/Target As. High-res: http://bit.ly/1AqMDuT Alternate for PC: http://bit.ly/1pwJXmR Who are we as the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America? Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton says, "We are church together."


3. What is Design Thinking? (2 min)

4. The Design Thinking Process (4 min)


En Español

Fundaciones de fe

1. Teología Luterana en 90 Segundos

2. Somos La Iglesia Juntos

el pensamiento de diseño

3. ¿Qué es el pensamiento de diseño?

4. Las 5 etapas del Design Thinking


Deep Dive / Más Profundo

In English

Faith Foundations

Love Without Limits.jpg

This book speaks to Jesus’ vision for how the Church manifests God’s love in the world. These powerful stories may make you cry, and together they reveal, with resonance and nuance, how we are called to follow Jesus.



Tim Brown literally wrote the book on design thinking. It’s a fairly quick and interesting read, and will give you a more nuanced, in-depth understanding of our methodology for this process, design thinking.

*Note: If purchasing a book not financially possible for you at this time, please let Pastor Danielle know. We are happy to get a copy for you.

En Español

Fundaciones de fe


el pensamiento de diseño
