
Thank you!

On behalf of the whole community of Advent and everyone our ministry impacts — thank you for your generous pledge of giving in 2021.

Would you like to set up or update your automatic recurring giving?

Automatic recurring giving is a great way to make sure Advent receives your offering each month. You can set it up in less than 5 minutes. See how to setup or update your recurring giving below.

Set Up Recurring Giving

Click the button below, and you can set up recurring giving in 3 easy steps:

  1. Enter the amount you would like give each time

  2. Check the “Recurring Giving” box and select the frequency

  3. Enter either a debit or credit card, or your bank info for direct deposit

Presto! You’re done.

Update Recurring Giving

  1. Click here to login to Vanco* and change your automatic recurring giving amount

  2. Log in at the top-right of the page (Forgot your password? Just go through the steps to reset it, and then login.)

  3. Update the amount you would like to give

*Note: If you already having recurring giving set up, it will likely be on Vanco, our payment processing provider for several years. This year, we just switched to a new platform called Tithely! Vanco payments will continue uninterrupted for a transitional period, and we will let you know before that ends. If you have time, we recommend switching your recurring giving over to Tithely at this time. Learn how below.

Switch Recurring Giving to our New Platform, Tithely

  1. Click here and complete 2 steps to cancel recurring giving on Vanco:

    1. Log in at the top-right of the page (Forgot your password? Just go through the steps to reset it, and then login.)

    2. Instead of updating your recurring giving on Vanco, cancel it

  2. Then click here and complete 3 steps to set up recurring giving on Tithely:

    1. Enter the amount you would like give each time

    2. Check the “Recurring Giving” box and select the frequency

    3. Enter either a debit or credit card, or your bank info for direct deposit

Viola! You’re done!