Palm Sunday & Easter Sunday Photos
Christ is Risen! Alleluia! Here are some photos from Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday.

You can feel the excitement as we gather outside to begin Holy Week on Palm Sunday.
We begin worship on Palm Sunday with a procession of palms into the sanctuary, remembering Jesus entering into Jerusalem.
This is also a special moment for us to have a presence outside on Broadway, and experience worship in a new way. Spring has come, and the sun is shining. (At least, this year it was!) We meet our worship community in a new light, and gather closer together than we do across the large pews of our sanctuary.
Ushers great spontaneous visitors as they decide to join worship. Passerby witness our song and worship. There is something powerful about this presence, and something powerful as well about processing into the church together.
Easter Worship proclaims the Good News!
Christ is Risen! Alleluia! We celebrated through worship like song and prayer; little details like a special shirt, dress or suit; special instruments like trumpet and timpani; and traditions like Easter lilies dedicated in honor of loved ones.
Most importantly, we heard the Good News that Jesus has conquered death and that today God’s redemption, grace, and love are in our midst. We have been fortified in hope, freed by grace, and called forth in love.

Meanwhile, our Easter Breakfast downstairs helped make this Sunday feel special and full of community.
Thank you to our 20s/30s group for making so much delicious food, and all the staff who supported. It was an amazing spread that brought us together in community and helped this day feel special.
Photographer’s note: I believe I may have failed as Holy Week photographer this week — I missed Maundy Thursday, Good Friday , and Easter Vigil worship completely. For the later two services, I was actually there, but took no pictures because I found the worship to be so intimate and moving. I did get some pictures on Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday, but due to programmatic busy-ness didn’t get nearly as many (or as good) pictures as I would have liked. For that I ask your forgiveness, and I hope you enjoy the pictures we do have to share!
If you have any more pictures, we’d love to see them! Let me know >
Also, thank you to our communications interns for editing many of these photos!
- Kevin, Communications & Youth Ministry Coordinator
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Join us for Round 2 of Listening Small Groups from Wednesday, April 24 - Sunday, May 12. We'll talk about two new themes: 1) Faith Formation & Social Justice and 2) Adaptability & Innovation. Whether you joined us for Round 1 or could not, we would LOVE to have you participate in one of our sessions in Round 2:
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Discipleship groups are an opportunity for you to explore what it means for you to be a disciple of Jesus with a small group of old and new Advent friends.
After the success of Discipleship Groups during Lent, we are launching year-long Discipleship Groups that will meet once a month (12 meetings over 1 year). Group meeting times and locations will be based on the preferences you share when you sign up. Sign up today!