Clarity on the Margins (Video)

An Advent season reflection from Pastor Danielle


It's only 12 days till Christmas,

And if you're like me, the rush of wrapping up work, finding all your gifts for people, and preparing to travel makes staying focused on the Christ in Christmas a bit challenging. Yet this is what the season of Advent beckons us to do: await the coming of Christ into our world, meditate on what that means, and rekindle our sense of hope . . .

Meanwhile, Pastor Danielle has lost her voice. And it's tempting to worry about the big Christmas Eve services not so far ahead. But in losing her voice, Pastor Danielle gained an opportunity to see this Advent season from a new perspective.

And she'd like to share that with you. However busy you are today, take 4 minutes to watch this video. Then share it with a friend who might also be longing for more clarity on what this coming Christmas is really all about.

Step into the perspective of the voiceless, and see clearly how Christ remains a radical and much-needed inbreaking of love and hope this Christmas.


- Kevin

Communications Coordinator