A new page bringing all updates into one place.

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Visioning Process

Here’s where we’re at: The Vision Team is distilling 36+ hours of Listening Small Group notes into an initial report, and will share our work-to-date at our next Update Meeting Sunday, June 2 at 10am and 12pm. The team will spend the summer sitting more deeply with all we’ve heard.

Synod Assembly

The Metropolitan New York Synod elected a new Bishop at the Synod Assembly from May 16-19, 2019. Read a full report on the Synod Assembly. from Pastor Danielle.

Council Minutes

All Council minutes are now updated on the “From our Council” page under “News.” We apologize for the delay in minutes being posted from the past few months. (It is fully because that was supposed to be my job, and I forgot. The process has hopefully been fixed. - Kevin, Communications Coordinator)

Strategic Planning

Here’s what’s next: Council will form 3 strategic teams from a self-identified pool of volunteers — a Strategic Planning Team, Spatial Planning Team, and Financial Planning Team — to build on the work of our Vision Team. Details on the process coming May 29.

Immigration Welcome Center Grant

We were recently awarded a $200,000 grant from the Metropolitan New York Synod toward building renovations to support bringing together and growing our existing ministries in an Immigration Welcome Center. What a reason to celebrate!?

We have secured a potential asset to empower our ministry, but what we do will be determined by our strategic planning process.

Call Process

Here’s the latest update: The Call Committee has met and is actively interviewing candidates for our 2nd pastor, following Pastor Gary’s retirement July 31. With each candidate, the committee is careful to lift up our visioning process.

Community Culture

On Sunday, May 19, we held additional Listening Sessions with 25 Advent members to check-in on the last year, and talk about our hopes for community culture in the meetings and decisions moving forward. Thank you for the concern, openness, honest, love, and respect of everyone who participated in these groups. We’ll share more about what we heard and learned soon.