youth ministry

2017 annual report

Respectfully submitted by Communications Coordinator & Youth Ministry Coordinator, Kevin Bowen


Communications Internship

  • In May 2017 we successfully wrapped up the first year of our Communications Internship. During the 2016-17 school year, a total of 6 high school interns contributed to many of web pages, e-letters, announcements pages, banners, signs, and postcards we shared during that time. Some took the lead on bigger projects: Alex Mann created our Volunteer Board in the sanctuary, and Sarah Sackeyfio directed and filmed our “Stories that Made Us” video interviews

  • In that same month, we applied for a grant to expand the program, and went back to the drawing board to envision something bigger

  • We have the plan, we are hopefully receiving the grant (though we don’t know yet), and we will spend the spring recruiting interns and mentors from the Advent community and our local community

  • We plan to launch this second iteration of the program in fall 2018


Teens in Ministry (TIM) Team

  • Once again, a team of 6-8 youth helped lead our weekly Summer Suppers program in July and August


Inclusivity Mural

  • Throughout the fall, our high schoolers have been at work on a designing a mural with a compelling, all-encompassing message of inclusivity to be painted on the front doors of our building

  • They are now in the sketching/scaling stages

  • The painting day will happen sometime in the spring

  • For practice (and fun), our high schoolers also painted a new mural in left half of the Sunday School room. Have a look!


Community Lunch Takeover

  • This month our high school youth group is “taking over” Community Lunch. They will get to learn about and take part in every step of what it takes to pull off Community Lunch, our monthly home-cooked meal for 150+ members, friends, and neighbors.

  • They will be empowered and guided through the process by a variety of our Community Lunch leaders who have enthusiastically volunteered to share their knowledge and passion to equip young food ministry leaders

  • Volunteer to serve at our Community Lunch on Saturday, January 27 to support their work and take part in this exciting project. You can sign up on the Volunteer Board in the sanctuary or at


ELCA Youth Gathering in Houston

  • We’re taking group of 6 high schoolers (3 from Advent, 3 from St. Jacobi in Brooklyn) to the ELCA National Youth Gathering in Houston this July


Other Upcoming Programs

  • Our Ski/Snowboard Retreat will return for a second year this February 2-4

  • An Open Mic lifting up the huge variety of talents, gifts, and interests our youth have is forthcoming in the spring


2018 Goals

  • Build a stronger network of mentors and lay leadership for youth ministry
  • Engage and empower youth as active participants and leaders at Advent, in the community, in the Church, and in the world


Respectfully submitted by,

Kevin Bowen

Communications Coordinator & Youth Ministry Coordinator